Management Services for Hospitality Businesses
in Victoria

Liquor Licenses

Liquor Licenses Victoria is proud to partner with LSV Hotels to provide management services and consulting for hospitality businesses.

A successful and varied business background spanning financial services, sales management, hospitality and commercial property has laid excellent foundations for Michelle’s role as a hotel broker and providing bespoke business development advise in hotel sites and brands. Michelle has 14 years of industry knowledge, specialising in commercial assets under management, including hotels, resorts, pubs, clubs and greenfield development sites. She also was a pub owner-operator, and handled everything from venue design, branding and recruitment to marketing, operations and events.

Working with LSV Hotels

Michelle is a licensed real estate agent and founder/owner of LSV Hotels  specialising in hotel sales & hotel management agreements and offers hotel development and investment advisory to hotel developers, owners, operators and investors and investment funds. Feel free to contact Michelle on 0400 474861 or Visit LSV Hotels at

Experienced Training Providers

LLV is pleased to work with very experienced trainers. We can arrange face to face training to assist in obtaining your licenses.